The 3 Levers

financial Coaching


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The Coaching ​Sessions

Lever 1

Control your Past

(it’s currently controlling ​you)

Lever 2

Focus on the Present.

Your behaviours will make ​the difference.

Lever 3

Progress in the Future.

Without an aim, you go ​nowhere.


Learn to make better financial decisions and take better actions.


Enjoy life more by Improving your unconscious money systems.


Visualise your future with a blueprint of your ideal life.


Action change, gain motivation and think big.


Protect the most important things in your life.


Optimise the long-term growth of your assets.

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Money is highly emotional, with ​your subconscious behaviours ​dictating how successful you ​currently are.

But this is good news, because you ​can control your behaviour.

It is about what you do with your ​money, more than how much you ​have.

Traditional financial services ​will skip the emotional & ​psychological elements and go ​straight to investing.

Investing may be the right ​course of action, but without the ​right preparation it won’t work.

Or it could be doing so much ​more for you.

What do you get from the programme?

Six 90 minute sessions dedicated ​entirely to you and how to improve your ​financial success and achieve your ideal ​life.

Understand your hidden Money Scripts ​and learn why you make the decisions ​you do, and how to make better decisions ​about money.

A tailored, calculated plan to give you ​step by step, year by year instruction ​manual as to what to do to achieve those ​goals.

A simple system to follow each month to ​improve your financial habits and enable ​you to enjoy life more - you should spend ​more on what you love, but stop wasting ​money.

3 step goal development, to give you ​short term focus and long term ​motivation.

The right strategy for you to grow ​your wealth in a sustainable and ​successful way.

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Who does this help?

You, if ...

... you want to build lasting habits ​that lead to real wealth and freedom.

... you don’t feel like you’re making ​the most of the opportunity you have.

... you're tired of feeling overwhelmed ​by financial decisions and choice.

Whether you're looking to double ​your savings, invest wisely, or achieve ​a balanced, enjoyable lifestyle, our ​programme will give you the tools and ​confidence to succeed.

Feedback for the programme

“I got so much value from the financial ​coaching programme with David ...he’s highly ​skilled in financial planning and really ​simplifies it all. Highly recommend.”

Paraic, Leadership Coach, Dubai

“We also want to thank you for your patience and ​guidance! It's been refreshing to work with you in creating ​a plan that is aligned with who we are and what we are ​trying to achieve.

Having small achievable goals each week has helped ​make the process enjoyable and we definitely wouldn't ​have done so as effectively without you.“

Jas and Reena, CEO and Teacher, Dubai

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How does it work?

You and I work together to educate you in how to do it for yourself.

You go through a process of change in a proven framework taught to the world’s foremost ​organisations:


You educate me about your background, your past, present and ideal future, what is really ​important to you. I educate you about financial topics, theories, practicalities, techniques and ​complexities.


I help you with how to take action to create the changes you need. It may be a habit, a way of ​thinking, something you already have that you’ve never used. Whatever it is, the thinking stops ​and the doing starts.


Throughout the programme you take actions, and we see how they work for you, and we amend ​accordingly until you have the knowledge and skills to create the level of financial success that you ​wish for.

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